
About Sean Breckley

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So far Sean Breckley has created 592 blog entries.

Amish country, Ohio

Did You Know? The 36,000 to 38,000 Amish residents in and around Holmes County comprise the world’s largest Amish community. Every mile of state and federal highway in Holmes County has been designated an Ohio Scenic Byway. Sugarcreek is home to the world’s largest cuckoo clock, 23-plus feet wide, 24

2012-02-13T15:55:39-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Destinations, US Touring Areas|

Shasta Cascade region, California

Did You Know? Redding's Sundial Bridge is the world’s largest sundial and tells time correctly only on June 21. The largest population (500-plus) of bald eagles in the lower 48 winters at Tule Lake National Wildlife Refuge. In 1941, northern Californians and southern Oregonians tried to create a U.S. state

2012-02-13T15:54:54-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Destinations, US Touring Areas|

Shenandoah Valley, Virginia

Did You Know? The young George Washington surveyed part of what is now the valley’s Route 11. Forebears of more than 43 million Americans migrated along the valley’s Wilderness Road. During the Civil War, the city of Winchester changed hands more than 70 times. President Woodrow Wilson was born in

2012-02-13T15:52:42-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Destinations, US Touring Areas|

Colorado Rockies/ski areas

Did You Know? The Rockies harbor the headwaters of the Arkansas, Colorado, Platte and Rio Grande rivers. Fifty-four of Colorado’s mountain peaks surpass 14,000 feet; they are the Fourteeners. Royal Gorge Bridge, 1,053 feet above the Arkansas River, is America's highest suspension bridge. Thanks to the Rockies, Colorado has the highest

2012-02-13T15:51:29-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Destinations, US Touring Areas|

Montgomery, Alabama

Did You Know? In 1910, Orville and Wilbur Wright established the first civilian flying school in Montgomery. F. Scott and Zelda Fitzgerald lived in Montgomery while he was writing “Tender Is the Night.” Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. was pastor at only one church, Montgomery’s Dexter Avenue Baptist Church. Hyundai

2020-01-29T14:33:58-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Cities, US Destinations|

Salem, Oregon

Did You Know? Willamette University was the first institution of higher learning west of the Rockies (1842). The city’s name Salem is an Anglicized form of the Hebrew word shalom, meaning peace. A.C. Gilbert, creator of the erector set for kids, was born in Salem. The Spruce Goose, a wooden

2020-01-29T14:33:58-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Cities, US Destinations|

St. Michaels, Maryland

Did You Know? St. Michaels was one of the models for Patamoke village in James Michener’s “Chesapeake.” Chesapeake Bay is the largest estuary in North America (4,500 square miles). The abolitionist, Frederick Douglass, was a slave in St. Michaels during formative teen years. The Third Haven Meeting House in Easton

2020-01-29T14:33:59-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Cities, US Destinations|

Miami, Florida

Did you know ... ? Schnebly Redland’s Winery in Homestead is the southernmost winery in America. Miami Beach is a man-made island that was once a coconut plantation. More cruise ships are based in Miami than at any other port in the world. Two-thirds of Miami’s population is of Hispanic

2020-01-29T14:33:59-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Cities, US Destinations|

Southern California

Did You Know...? Death Valley is the hottest, driest and lowest-altitude place in North America. About 10,000 earthquakes shake Southern California each year. An estimated 20,000 gray whales migrate along the California coast annually. Furnace Creek Resort (Death Valley National Park) has the world’s lowest golf course. The 115-room Hearst

2012-02-13T14:50:35-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Destinations, US States|

South Dakota

Did You Know...? Crazy Horse Memorial is the world’s largest mountain sculpture. In South Dakota, each man in the Lewis and Clark party ate about nine pounds of meat daily. It took 14 years and $1 million to carve the four presidential faces on Mount Rushmore The geographic center of

2012-02-13T14:47:46-05:00February 13th, 2012|US Destinations, US States|
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