Step 1

Take the Travel Personality Quiz!

In less than 3 minutes, you can learn a lot about your inner traveler and the places that you’ll like most. You’ll get results that are based on over 40 years of continuous scientific research involving over 250,000 people who have taken the quiz. When you’re done answering the questions, you’ll be directed to a page describing your Travel Personality – read it to learn about yourself, or just skip to the bottom and see what destinations you’ll enjoy!

Please indicate how much you agree or disagree with each of the following statements. After answering all the questions, click the "Next" button to get closer to finding out your Travel Personality.

Chance has little to do with the successes I've had in my life.

I go out socially with friends quite often.

I prefer being around people most of the time.

I would rather go for a walk than read a book.

I make decisions quickly and easily rather than deliberating over them.

I prefer to go to undiscovered places before big hotels & restaurants are built.

I have much more energy than most persons my age.

I often buy new products before they become popular or come down in price.

I will hurry to places even when I have plenty of time.

I find that I often get bored at parties that most people seem to enjoy.

I am actively involved in a regular, rigorous fitness program.

I have friends over to my house frequently.

I prefer to travel independently rather than with a group of people.

I am more intellectually curious than most people I know.

My personal interests and pastimes are quite different and novel from what others do.

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