
About Sean Breckley

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So far Sean Breckley has created 592 blog entries.


Did you know ... ? Gaeltacht refers to areas, mostly to the west, where the Irish language is common. Ireland’s Valentia Island is the westernmost point in Europe. Leprechauns of Celtic folktales are shoemakers for other fairies. University College Dublin houses more than 100,000 tales, myths and legends, the world’s

2012-01-17T12:06:09-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know ... ? India’s newspapers print in more than 90 languages and radio stations broadcast in 71. The world’s largest Hindu temple, Srirangam at Tiruchirappalli, occupies 50% more space than Vatican City. The world’s oldest continuing festivals (at least 5,000 years) are India’s Ganesh Chaturthi and Holi. Jamshetji

2012-01-17T12:05:36-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know ... ? The word geyser comes from one of Iceland’s own, named Geysir. Eldhraun is a rugged lava field where the Apollo 11 crewmen trained for their moon walks. Iceland’s parliament, founded in 930, is the world’s oldest national assembly. The first European child born in North

2012-01-17T12:05:12-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know...? Hungary boasts roughly 1,300 thermal springs. Real goulash is a kind of soup cooked on an open fire. Hungary exports more than 5,500 tons of paprika a year. Hungary’s inflation rate hit 12.95 quadrillion percent in 1946; prices doubled every 15.6 hours. Local names for Hungary are

2012-01-17T12:04:49-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know...? Roatan’s resident dolphins can earn their owners $4,000 an hour appearing in TV and film productions. Christopher Columbus made his first mainland Central American landfall at Trujillo (1502). American short-story writer O. Henry, running from the law, lived in Honduras in the 1890s. Honduras and El Salvador

2012-01-17T12:04:27-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know? Haiti was the world’s first post-colonial black-led nation (1804). Haiti’s 19th century Laferriere Citadel is the largest fortress in the Western Hemisphere. Haiti claims more exhibited artists per capita than any other country. Roughly half the population practices voodoo. Haiti’s Ile a Vache was the scene of

2012-01-17T12:04:06-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know ... ? Guatemala is home to an estimated 720 bird species including migratory birds. Spanish is the official language, but 23 Mayan tongues are the first language of 40% of the population. The Tajumulco volcano, at 13,816 feet, is the highest mountain in Central America. Remittances from

2012-01-17T12:03:47-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know? Captain Bligh, of “Mutiny on the Bounty” fame, brought the breadfruit tree to Grenada. Grenada has more spices per square mile than any other country in the world. By law, no building on Grenada can be taller than a full-grown coconut palm tree. The all-important nutmeg is

2012-01-17T12:03:19-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know...? The first recorded Olympics, in 776 B.C., featured one event: a foot race. In Greece, a nod of the head means “no.” Locally, the country’s name is Elliniki Dhimokratia; the short versions are Ellas or Ellada. The first person to espouse an atomic theory was Democritus (fifth

2012-01-17T12:02:58-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know ... ? With no farmland, Gibraltar imports all its food. If the U.K. decides to give up Gibraltar, it must offer it to Spain. Gibraltar’s Barbary macaques are Europe’s only free-living monkeys. Gibraltar tracks all its Barbary macaques and gives each a name at birth. The peninsula

2012-01-17T12:02:36-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|
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