
About Sean Breckley

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So far Sean Breckley has created 592 blog entries.


Did you know ... ? Some 5 million people make the pilgrimage to Lourdes each year. Modern soft luggage originated in France, as did the hot-air balloon. The “Mona Lisa” was delivered to France by the painter himself, Leonardo da Vinci. Fleur-de-lis, in literal translation, means flower of the lily,

2012-01-17T12:01:35-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know...? Sauna is the only Finnish word to enter languages around the world. Finland counts close to 190,000 lakes and Europe’s largest archipelago: 100,000 islands. Only about 5 million people speak Finnish. Longfellow patterned the rhythm of “Hiawatha” on “Kalevala,” Finland’s national epic. Finland has one sauna for

2012-01-17T12:01:02-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know ... ? Ninety-eight percent of Estonia is wired for free access to Wi-Fi. Estonia counts more Hummers per person than any other country in the world. Over the centuries, an estimated 40,000-plus boats have sunk in Estonian waters. Skype, the software that allows for voice calls via

2012-01-17T12:00:37-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did you know ... ? The largest stone at Stonehenge weighs nearly 50 tons. More newspapers are sold in the U.K. than in any other European country. In the movies, Alnwick Castle in Northumbria is Harry Potter’s Hogwarts. Tower Bridge was built of stone (not red brick as planned) to

2012-01-17T12:00:13-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know ... ? Alexandria’s Pharos lighthouse was the world’s tallest (400-plus feet) and possibly the first (third century B.C.). Ancient Egyptians created the world’s first national government. The Djoser Step Pyramid at Saqqara is the world’s oldest (27th century B.C.) The Suez Canal (1869) made possible the first

2012-01-17T11:59:47-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know ... ? Ecuador’s official currency is the U.S. dollar — and $1 coins are favored over paper bills. Panama hats are made in Ecuador, not Panama. Cotopaxi in the Ecuadorian Andes is the world's highest active volcano (19,347 feet). Ecuador counts 13 indigenous groups among its citizens.

2012-01-17T11:58:40-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|

Dominican Republic

Did You Know...? The oldest European city in the New World is Santo Domingo (1496). The merengue is the national dance. The Dominican Republic is the world’s largest producer of cigars. Some historians believe Christopher Columbus is buried in the Dominican Republic. The voting age is 18, but married citizens

2012-01-17T11:58:06-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know? Hurricane David left approximately 80% of the population homeless (1979). Dominica is the only Caribbean island with a population of pre-Columbian Carib peoples. Dominica’s Eugenia Charles, granddaughter of slaves, served the longest of any female prime minister in the world (1980-1995). Dominica has three times the incidence

2012-01-17T11:57:44-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|


Did You Know...? Denmark boasts Europe’s oldest continuous monarchy, from the 10th century. Danes typically eat four meals a day. Denmark claims the world’s oldest state flag still in use, from the 14th century. Danes stage the largest July 4 celebration outside the U.S. Surveys show the Danes are the

2012-01-17T11:57:24-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|

Czech Republic

Did You Know...? If all Czech hiking trails were laid end to end, they’d encircle the globe at the Equator. Kutna Hora, an old silver mining town near Prague, was once larger than London. Religious pilgrimage sites include upwards of 300 dedicated to the Marian cult. The Pravcice Gate is

2012-01-17T11:56:59-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Countries, International Destinations|
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