
About Sean Breckley

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So far Sean Breckley has created 592 blog entries.

Swiss countryside/villages

Did You Know ... ? Muhlebach boasts Switzerland’s oldest village center, with houses from the 14th/15th centuries. The Nestle company was founded in Vevey on Lake Geneva, where it is still headquartered. Gruyere is the traditional choice for cheese fondues and French onion soup. Daniel Peter, cofounder of Peter, Cailler

2012-01-17T11:40:57-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Destinations, International Touring Areas|

Swiss Alps

Did You Know ... ? The Rhine and Rhone rivers originate in the Swiss Alps within 15 miles of one another. Early ski racers were dairy farmers skiing on summer grazing grounds; the Swiss still cheer skiers with cowbells. Jungfraujoch, at 11,333 feet above sea level, is the highest train

2012-01-17T11:40:27-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Destinations, International Touring Areas|

Sicily, Italy

Did You Know...? The worst earthquake in Europe’s recorded history destroyed Sicily’s Messina and killed an estimated 100,000 (1908). Opera composer Vincenzo Bellini was born in Sicily (1801) as was the dramatist Luigi Pirandello (1867). Sicilian poet Giacomo da Lentini is credited with creating the sonnet form, in the 13th

2012-01-17T11:38:08-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Destinations, International Touring Areas|

Quebec Province, Canada

Did You Know...? Quebec is twice the size of Texas, three times the size of France. Sixty percent of Quebecois speak only French; 80% have French ancestry. The snowmobile was invented in Quebec, by Joseph-Armand Bombardier. The world’s largest caribou herds (close to 1 million) roam Nunavik in Arctic Quebec.

2012-01-17T11:36:18-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Destinations, International Touring Areas|

Provence, France

Did You Know? Medieval popes planted the Chateauneuf-du-Pape vineyards. Van Gogh was in Arles when he lost an ear, whether intentionally or by accident. The Val d’Enfer (Valley of Hell) was reputedly the inspiration for the setting of Dante’s “Inferno.” Artist Paul Cezanne was born in Aix-en-Provence (1839); novelist Emile

2012-01-17T11:35:57-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Destinations, International Touring Areas|
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