
About Sean Breckley

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So far Sean Breckley has created 592 blog entries.

San Juan, Puerto Rico

Did You Know...? San Juan is the oldest European-built city on U.S. territory (1521). The pina colada cocktail was born in San Juan. Originally, the city was Puerto Rico (Rich Port) and the island was San Juan. La Fortaleza, built in 1533, is the oldest executive mansion in the Western

2012-01-17T13:45:14-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

San Jose, Costa Rica

Did You Know...? For a short time in the 19th century, Costa Rica rotated its capital among four cities including San Jose. San Jose's residents call their city Chepe, which is the local nickname for anyone named Jose. San Jose’s addresses utilize landmarks or nearby street junctions, rather than street

2012-01-17T13:44:56-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Samana, Dominican Republic

Did You Know? Eighty percent of the world’s Atlantic humpback whales mate and give birth in Dominican Republic waters. Silver Banks, a marine sanctuary, was named for the coins recovered from a 17th century galleon wreck. One in five Major League baseball players is Dominican. Playa las Flechas (Arrows Beach)

2012-01-17T13:44:38-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Salzburg, Austria

Did You Know ... ? The first Salzburg Cathedral was consecrated in 774. The oldest child in the von Trapp family was not a “16-going-on-17” daughter named Liesl, but a son. Salzburg’s Stiegl brewery is the oldest (1492) and largest (25 million gallons yearly) private brewery in Austria. World War

2012-01-17T13:44:10-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Salisbury, England

Did You Know? Salisbury Cathedral is home to one of four surviving Magna Cartas, written in 1215. Educated estimates suggest it took 30 million man-hours to build Stonehenge. Longleat was the first drive-through safari park outside of Africa (1966). The builders of Stonehenge did not have the wheel. The cathedral

2012-01-17T13:43:47-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Rotorua, New Zealand

Did You Know? The famous White Terrace, formed by thermal waters, covered seven acres and was 98 feet high. Rotorua’s Bath House is New Zealand’s most photographed building. Lady Knox Geyser can be prompted to erupt by dumping soap down its throat. When a Maori warrior sticks out his tongue,

2012-01-17T13:43:20-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Rome, Italy

Did You Know ... ? Rome’s main street, Via del Corso (Way of the Course), was once a horseracing course. Visitors toss roughly $220,000 a year into Trevi Fountain. The famous city on seven hills today sprawls over about 20 hills. About 2,000 gladiators died in the festivities celebrating the

2012-01-17T13:42:59-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Rio de Janeiro, Brazil

Did You Know? In 2016, Rio de Janeiro will become the first South American city to host the Olympic Games. Hans Stern founded the H. Stern jewelry chain in Rio in 1949. The original design for "Christ the Redeemer" envisioned Christ holding a cross and a globe. Celebratory processions in

2012-01-17T13:42:35-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Reykjavik, Iceland

Did You Know...? The average January temperatures in Reykjavik are higher than those in New York. Reykjavik is the world’s northernmost capital city. Iceland continues the old Norse tradition of using patronyms rather than surnames. It is the same distance from New York to Reykjavik as from New York to

2012-01-17T13:42:13-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|

Quito, Ecuador

Did You Know? Quito is South America’s oldest capital, having first been an Incan capital. The city’s Metropolitan Park is the largest urban park in South America (1,376 acres). A ton of gold was used to decorate the interior of La Compania Church. Quito was the world’s first city to

2012-01-17T13:41:18-05:00January 17th, 2012|International Cities, International Destinations|
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